Wood Duck Drop

I owe a HUGE thanks to my friend, Paul, who let me invite myself over on Memorial Day at 6:30 am for the “Wood Duck Drop!” Paul has the blog BirdsGV. I believe there will one more “live jump” within a day or two. Paul has cameras set up in the wood duck boxes and at strategic locations around his yard that provide excellent views of the jumps. You are able to watch live via the web. Subscribe to his blog and you will receive notification as to when the latest craziness is expected!

Geronimo! Except these little guys do not wear parachutes. I present to you Wood Duck Drop / Jump 2023!

Mom surveying the scene … looking for predators

One to Get Ready

Two to Go

Tail-End Charlie

All nine ducklings safely in the stream

See two minutes of the wood duck drop (video link for email subscribers). Paul and I sat in a blind for three hours!

5 thoughts on “Wood Duck Drop

  1. Call the ASPCA! Now I know why my father would have us install wood duck houses on cedar trees overhanging the beaver pond in the back-40 acres. Geezo beezo!

  2. Rich, Thanks! for your blog post and the great photos and video. It was fun to watch with you yesterday. And there was another Jump Day today too with some drama for the last duckling: “Oh no, will it get out in time to find its family?” … it did. I hope you were able to watch. -Paul-

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