Frank Lake, Alberta Birds and Water

I am working through bird photos from my great trip to Frank Lake, Alberta. As noted in my prior post, the key is the fantastic wetlands and lake (just saved from a HUGE power plant development). Anyhow, here is the next to last post about Frank Lake birds.

Yellow-Headed Blackbird (posturing for a mate)

Barn Swallow (getting nesting material)

Swainson’s Hawk (sunset and defense of a kill)

Lesser Scaup (a pair ready to nest)

Wilson’s Phalarope (spins in a tight circle to create a whirlpool sucking bugs to the surface)

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4 thoughts on “Frank Lake, Alberta Birds and Water

  1. I swear you have a bird magnet; it’s unbelievable! I’ve never seen such
    gorgeous pic of a yellow headed blackbird before…you’re incredible!

    1. I would like to say it was planned, but not true. I was walking a path and the blackbird jumped up on a cattail in front of me. Love makes birds willing to be much closer than normal.

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