Northland Bog Sightings

Over the past 10 days I have spent some time driving my favorite bag roads … remote forest roads through wilderness bogs. My favorite road, bar none, is Toomey Williams Forest Road in Pine Island State Forest west of Big Falls. This road is a narrow (just barely one lane wide) through beautiful forest bog and forest. Sax-Zim Bog is strictly minor leagues when compared against Toomey Williams. However, unlike Sax-Zim, most Pine Island roads are not plowed free of snow in the winter. I have a page which reviews my favorite NE Minnesota birding locations, including Pine Island.

Spruce Grouse (female) and Pine Siskin on Toomey Williams

Closer to home I love an area I affectionally named the South Bog. Just like in Sax-Zim Bog, you will find the occasional farm on slightly higher. I found this Sandhill Crane on a hay bale, which was a new one for me. While I have seen many birds and animals hunting from the tops of hay bales, I had never seen a Sandhill Crane on a huge mound of hay. The crane was calming picking grubs, etc. out of the hay. After about 10 minutes, it moved on to another hay mound and repeated the process. Cool to watch.

Sandhill Crane Enjoying Breakfast on a Hay Bale

Finally, on the way home from the South Bog, I swung by Forest Hill Cemetery. The two ponds are now a food factory … generating bugs that hatch and fly (prey for Cedar Waxwings), and small swimming fish and other yummies (prey for Green Heron)

Green Heron

Cedar Waxwing

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One thought on “Northland Bog Sightings

  1. Just wanted to say thank you so much for these wonderful picture and sharing your adventure. I’ve been a birder for a long time, since childhood, but because of illness haven’t been able to go out for awhile. Thanks.

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