Greenwood Forest Fire Spruce Grouse

As noted in earlier posts, I am very much enjoying the Greenwood Forest Fire Region. It is now two years since the wildfire, and nature is starting to recover. While the days of majestic pine vistas are years in the future, there are actually lots of pockets of living pines on McDougal Lake Road, and Stony River Forest Road was used as a fire block line, but the fire never reached this forest road. The end result is you will find lots of wildlife if you head out into the woods at sunrise. Although I am featuring Spruce Grouse in this post, it was not from seeing lots of Ruffed Grouse. With both birds, if I stop my car some distance away I am normally able to walk within five yards of each species of grouse.

These images were taken two mornings ago. They also show the difference between a male and female spruce grouse plumage.

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