Bad Birding … Great Colors!

The last week has been horrible for birding. Almost all our locals have departed south, and the Arctic and Tundra arrivals are staying north (think southerly headwinds). Add almost nonstop dreary skies and frequent rain showers and a person could almost decide to move to the desert southwest (almost … but not quite). When the sun did pop out on a few occasions and I was poised with my camera. It was beautiful.

Last Monday Molly suggested at the last moment we enjoy some unexpected sun and eat out at the top of Mont du Lac. This is the hill where we both learned to ski back in our youth, and over the past few years a new owner has invested lots of money in what was a tired ski resort. This image was taken at sunset from the restaurant at the top of the hill overlooking the St. Louis River.

Tuesday afternoon found me escaping the “blah” conditions next to Lake Superior and driving over to Sax-Zim Bog. The Tamaracks are golden, and the late afternoon sun made for brilliant birding, but someone forgot to tell the birds! I walked for three miles and saw only three of our feathered friends … a chickadee, crow and blue jay.

Here is a photo of Admiral Road from that afternoon.

Finally yesterday afternoon I heard there were some local Arctic celebrities at the Forest Hill ponds. I enjoyed the four Ross’s Geese and the one Blue Morph Snow Goose.

This Monday morning … more rain … I am NOT out birding.

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