Northeastern Minnesota Birding Report

It is time for an update on bird activity around Northeastern Minnesota based upon my own observations.

  • Unfortunately the arrival of winter finches in the Duluth and Sax-Zim Bog Area is delayed. I have seen Pine Grosbeaks 55 miles from my house up in the Greenwood Forest Fire Area. There are Common Redpolls around but given amount of natural food available, few if any are visiting feeders. My daughter and I briefly saw a Great Gray Owl at sunrise on Friday a bit north of Greenwood Creek.
  • I walked the three boardwalks at different spots in Sax-Zim Bog yesterday. While the feeders are now filled, there are slim pickings at those feeders. A ermine is visiting the deer carcass at the Welcome Center, and if you put out peanut butter at the Admiral Road feeders, a pine marten may visit.
  • Great Gray Owls are being seen on both Admiral and McDavitt Roads. Dawn and Dusk are the best times.
  • My owl feeders and the ones I take care of at French Lutheran Church (near McQuade Harbor) do not yet have any interesting visitors. My Mourning Doves are settling in for another winter (about 10), which although unusual is normal for me.

I had hoped to take some full moon photographs this evening, and even though there are clear skies up above at 4:20 pm, down at the Lake Superior level there is seasmoke which prevents a moonrise pic. Thus, some pics from the past week …

A female Spruce Grouse

The Stony Point Bald Eagle Couple

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