Great Horned Owl Loves its Winter Perch

How do I know this fact? Every morning for the past 25 days I have checked in on my friend, and Poppa Great Horned Owl is always on its favorite perch. Thus, what defines a great perch?

  • Near where his “lady love” sometimes comes for a visit
  • Protected and hidden from above and those pesky crows.
  • Shielded both from fierce winds off Lake Superior, and out of the NW

I have tried to find where Momma Great Horned Owl likes to perch, but other than a general idea I have failed. However, the duo seems to be interested in a couple of nesting spots near where Poppa resides … we shall see. I took this image a few days ago shortly after sunrise.

I do know that the owls hunt my feeders. 3 nights ago around 4:00 am I heard a hooting duet outside my bedroom window (we keep a window open all winter long …). Anyhow I threw on a jacket and went out on the deck in my PJ’s. The stench of skunk was strong, and I knew Pepe Le Pew had met its demise. Great Horned Owls are one of the few animals or birds willing to prey on skunks. It was obvious what had happened. There were two skunks that visited our bird feeders every night … my trailcams now only show one. I suspect the duet during the early morning hours took place after Poppa fed Momma skunk (normal this time of year … she is developing eggs)

On a sad note, a friend let informed me that the Sax-Zim Bog Snowy Owl was struck by a train around noon yesterday. Unfortunately this owl obviously liked to hunt near the tracks. Yesterday it was actually sitting on the tracks, and did not move away fast enough. The owl most likely did not understand trains which do not exist in the Arctic.

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