Snowmageddon, although delayed did arrive here at the Head of the Lakes. It started snowing heavily a bit over 24 hours ago (noonish on Sunday). Incubating eggs for Momma Great Horned Owl was not much fun as the snow piled up around her, and on top of her. We’ve now had 12 inches of the white stuff down here within 1/2 mile of Lake Superior, and we have about another 24 hours yet to go for this storm, but at much lower snowfall rates.
My first photo hike into the snowstorm was at 4 pm yesterday afternoon. At this point about 5 inches of snow had fallen. Here is Amy, Momma Great Horned Owl in both a still images and video taken at that time. The snowfall rate seen in the video was 6/10 of an inch per hour (US Weather Service data).
Snowmaggen … The Movie! (link for email subscribers)
Now on to Snowmageddon Day #2 … and follow-up images from this morning 25 minutes after sunrise (cloudrise??):
And yet another image taken around 1 pm this afternoon … 25 hours after the storm’s start.
There was one other change in “owl status” today. Poppa Owl’s perch at the top of a white pine is obviously too exposed to the NE winds off Lake Superior. He is hiding today somewhere much lower. Surprisingly he did hoot for 10-15 minutes last night around 8 pm. I thought given the poor weather he would just hunker down and stay quiet.
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