Common Redpoll Feeding Frenzy

As noted in the Great Horned Owl Snowmageddon posts, our unwinter ended big time. Apparently the snow totals for the storm were about 20 inches. While having a storm like this is not unusual for late March, the fact that for weeks prior there was not a single inch of white stuff on the ground was weird. I could tell many of my winter friends were around in the forest, but given the birds could forage on the forest floor throughout the winter, which is strange and unusual, feeder visits had been down in terms of numbers and species.

Our storm ended that situation, and Common Redpolls have invaded both my bird feeders and the public feeders I maintain at French River BIG time. At times it had not been uncommon over the past few days to have 300+ redpolls at all the feeders at once. I normally don’t post bird feeder images, but my Nyjer seed feeders … the redpoll’s favorites … shows the feeding frenzy after the storm.

Common Redpoll Feeding Frenzy

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3 thoughts on “Common Redpoll Feeding Frenzy

  1. There were several out at WI Point two days ago as well. I’ve never seen them there before. I sure enjoy your posts and photos.

  2. We also have a red pill feeding frenzy going on at our feeders. Upwards of 200. We also have a leucistic red pill.

  3. i’m smiling- we have hundreds in the yard – i go out 4-5 times each day to scatter seed and fill feeders!!! wow

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