Sax-Zim Bog Predators

My daughter’s plan was to visit us today … arriving up from the Twin Cities around 9:45 am. Thus, naturally I thought that meant there was time to go birding at Sax-Zim Bog before she arrived. I left home at 5:25 am, and the Bog did not disappoint. Predators like to nest or have their young early in the year to make their youngster’s huge appetites correspond to when other animals and birds have their young.

I found another Great Gray Owl hunting well past sunrise. I suspect it is now hunting for two adult owls … itself and its mate which is back on the nest. Thus, the two Great Grays I have found in dramatically different parts of Sax-Zim now gives me a good idea where of the vicinity of two owl nests.

With respect to Red Fox, their young were born some time ago, and the fox kits are starting to come out and play. Apparently foxes like the same forest region as one of the owls. The Red Fox and Great Gray were seen and photographed quite near one another! Wherever you live it is time to invest in searches which will pay dividends in 6 to 8 weeks. Days following stormy weather (like yesterday) are always a smart time to head into the outdoors. Predators are likely to be hungry after a forced day of fasting.

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