Down on the Farm Birding Part 2

With my surgery and recovery, I have fallen waaaay behind in posting. Just prior to going under the knife Molly and I spent some time down in SE Minnesota, on a friend’s farm near Lanesboro. As I have noted, now is the time to enjoy wildflowers in rural Minnesota (see part 1).

Right now young birds have fledged everywhere and are chasing their parents demanding food. The youngsters often look like adults, but flap their wings madly in the begging mode. A few images from the weekend just before my operation …

Barn Swallows

American Goldfinch


Indigo Bunting

Rufous-Sided Towhee

Scarlet Tanager

4 thoughts on “Down on the Farm Birding Part 2

  1. Take care of yourself and each other, we will all be here when you are ready to return! Swift and healthy recoveries to both of you❤️❤️

  2. Great colorful set of pictures. Catbirds are such fun. Every year I watch and wait for my pair to return.

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