Yesterday I hiked into the Greenwood Creek Boreal Forest Bog to retrieve and replace my trailcam’s simm card. I had mounted the camera two weeks ago near a huge downed white pine. My thought process was the large tree would create a barrier for anything living, and thus potentially provide some interesting photographs. In addition I learn what is visiting the bog, and the time of day.
The Judges’ scores … straight from Paris. In the first ever holding of the Boreal Forest Greenwood Creek Boreal Bog Championship Hurdles … the gold medal goes to … Momma Moose and her Calf!!!. The moose family took on the Boreal hurdles w/o breaking stride.
The US Forest Work Crew is only awarded a silver medal. They stopped, discussed and cut a section away from the white pine allowing everyone to avoid the jump! Make certain to watch all the videos! The forest service was already deep in the woods by 7 am, while the moose on their day of competition were also active very early in the morning.
Please note how well protected the work crew is both from the bugs and the elements.
Video links for email subscribers … (videos embedded in blog post below images)
- Moose Calf Video: Full Speed
- Moose Calf Video: Slow Motion x4
- US Forest Work Crew
A small portion of the work crew when they first approached the hurdle
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lol you probably saw us go by… black lab and 3 folks! Thanks for turning us on to this beautiful spot!!!
Yes! You were captured by my trailcam!!! LOL!
The video really shows how they protect themselves from both bugs and chainsaw wood splinters.
Cool. I was up there a month or so ago and probably saw the daddy on FR 14. I was so flustered every photo thru the windshield was out of focus
Forest Road 14?? You mean 15?
cheering for mamma moose and her dear calf! thanks for the. report!