Northland Sunflower Morning

It is that time of year … Sunflower Time! I arrived at the humble sunflower field not long after sunrise. For the next 30 minutes I enjoyed walking in the midst of the sunflowers. My location was Matten Road in Wrenshall … a delight for the senses. Here is the Google Maps link. I was visiting MK3 Hardwood Farm (Facebook page). While the sunflowers are in their glory right now, birding will become better as some flowers begin to go to seed.

I also decided to take this image pointed directly into the sun. The sunflowers are all facing the rising golden orb.

The farm is well worth a visit. Wrenshall is very near Duluth. You can not help but be in a good mood after starting your morning walking amongst the sunflowers. It’s kind of humorous … my prior post two days ago featured the dark and Northern Lights, and now I am focused upon dawn and sunflowers. God fills our world with amazing colors.

If you are interested in the photography angle of the first two images, both photographs were taken using aperture priority. In the first image I have used settings to blur the background sunflowers, whereas in the second photo I have used settings to bring the foreground flowers into focus. Neither approach is right, or wrong … just different.

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