Coming Soon to a Forest Near You: The Golden Time

I took this bog image two mornings ago, and the photograph is indicative of the “Golden Time” coming soon to the Boreal Forest. Tamarack Pines are one of the only pines trees which lose their needles every fall. In 7 to 10 days every Tamarack in the Boreal Forest will be bright gold. Venture out near sunrise or sunset, and Uff Dah … an explosion of gold!!!

On another front I was interviewed this morning on KSTP’s Minnesota Live program about birding the Northland. If you follow the link to their web site, you should be able to watch my segment for about two weeks. My wife took this picture of me during the broadcast. The interview is about five minutes in length.

It was a fun day! Now I’m up at my cabin 200 miles north of the Twin Cities with plans to bird the Pine Island State Forest near Big Falls for the next few days.

One thought on “Coming Soon to a Forest Near You: The Golden Time

  1. Richard, it was so fun to see you on Minnesota Live this morning. You did a great job!!! I told my husband this is the guy I follow on 365 Days of Birds👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    Barb Hoeft

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