Stony River Forest Road Reopened!

The HUGE rains of June did a number to many of the wilderness roads in northeastern Minnesota, including Stony River Forest Road. It had a significant number of washouts over its 20 mile length. However, it was reopened yesterday!!! I love to both drive and hike this road. Actually, truth be told … like a bad boy … I actually was frequently on the road after it was closed, but I had to restrict my travels to areas where holes would not swallow my car!

This morning I enjoyed a 20 mile drive on Stony. I tend to drive north to a boreal bog at the 10.5 mile mark, and then turn around. I decided as long as I was up on Stony, I might as well head over to my feeders and trailcams (9 miles distant) I hope you enjoy this video of a lone timber wolf. He was filmed yesterday, and I swear he smelled my scent on the trailcam. Towards the end of the video, the wolf stops and stares right at the camera. Have I been outed??! (video link for email subscribers)

Perhaps the wolf was hunting Spruce Grouse. A few days back I photographed this male within 50 yards of this trailcams. While I could have zoomed in closer with my camera, it is often better to show wildlife  in their habitat … in this case the golds of late Autumn. Apparently tomorrow morning our first winter storm of the year may hit with 1/2 foot of snow.

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5 thoughts on “Stony River Forest Road Reopened!

  1. Wow! What a 365 moment! The timber wolf video is a classic. I once saw a couple timberwolves in the far distance crossing long-gone railroad tracks near Isabella, Minnesota, but your video (similar to your Lynx video) is wonderful. Thank you very much.

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