The Minnesota Deer Firearm Deer Hunting Season is from November 9th to 24th. Birding (or just plain hiking) during the hunt is perfectly safe if you follow these rules:
- Always wear a blaze orange / red jacket or sweatshirt during hunting season … no exceptions! A bright hat is not sufficient.
- If you see cars or trucks parked along a rural road, bird or hike elsewhere (over 1 mile away). Unlike when I was a boy, and hunters often walked / tracked deer, almost all deer hunting in today’s modern era is done from tree stands. In other words hunters are stationary.
- If you truly understand what consists of “bog habitat”, birding this area is more safe because white-tailed deer generally hate bogs, and smart deer hunters understand this fact. It makes no sense to hunt where the number of deer are low. I love birding Boreal Bogs in November. No bugs, and sometimes lots of owls!!!
- While deer hunters are responsible, I tend to avoid “opening morning” on Nov. 9th. Many hunting groups have deer camps in northern Minnesota, and the night before opener can involve partying.
The hunting tradition in northern Minnesota is a great one. While I no longer hunt, I understand and support my friends who enjoy this time in the outdoors. With a common sense approach, being outside in November should not be avoided.
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