Apparently it is -22F at home in NE Minnesota (not including windchill). Thus I had better not complain about the cool weather in southern Florida. However given rain and 50F to started the day, I decided I needed to bird near the car. I can handle drizzle, but I do not like getting wet.
My first stop was West Harns Marsh, and in between drizzles I found two more Snail Kites, but waaaay out in the marsh.
A few minutes away is Harns Marsh where my lifer occured …
Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks (Cornell link)
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I’m really enjoying your Florida trip and all of the pictures, plus the tips on finding good spots to find birds! Thank you!
those ducks are so cute!!!!!
stay warm. we were minus 15 around noon today, not counting windchill
thanks for getting out there and sharing all this beauty!
So exciting to get lifers!