Any day when you get to hear not one, but different species of owls sing out and hoot, life is good! This post is about Amy, my local Great Horned Owl. She and her mate have nested near my home across from Amity Creek (thus the name Amy) for six years, and they are back for a seventh season!
The photograph and video accompanying this post was taken 25 minutes post sunset which makes photography difficult, but the experience was super positive. Earlier in the day I may have had a “once in a lifetime” experience. While birding in the Willowsippi Wildlife Management Area I found a Northern Hawk Owl, and happened to be taking videos when that bird decided to call out! See that post, and hear that owl.
Amity Creek Great Horned Owl
Amy Hooting (video link for email subscribers)
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so glad they are going to nest again this year!