Foxes, Barns and Owls … Oh My!

Great time this morning … NW of Duluth but not Sax-Zim Bog. Found a fox den and an old barn with a Great Horned Owl. Here are fox kits #1 and #2.

The Fox Den! (two kits)

The Barn! (and the Great Horned Owl)

If the family who owns this barn stops by my blog, I took these two barn / owl photographs from the road with a very long optical zoom lens, plus also having digital zoom enabled. I did not walk your yard other than to drop off my card wedged in your door. (would love permission!).

5 thoughts on “Foxes, Barns and Owls … Oh My!

    1. I am trying to get permission to walk the yard! These barn / owl pics were taken so far away on the dirt road.

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