Backyard Lifer!

Just a quick post. Sparrows are appearing in fantastic numbers in my yard, including this Harris Sparrow. Very few of the sparrows use my feeders, but they love sloppy seconds. They breed up on the tundra.

And to give equal time to a more common bird … Slate Colored Junco.

We are starting to get near the end of the songbird migration. When the snow buntings appear I consider the songbird migration over.

3 thoughts on “Backyard Lifer!

  1. What a gorgeous bird that Harris sparrow. One wanders down our way in MD once in a blue moon. The juncos have just started showing up here. We know migration is ending when the yellow rumps and the fox sparrows appear.

  2. We were in Blue Mounds state park the last couple of days and saw 6 Harris sparrows most I’ve seen at one time. They are heading to warmer climes.

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