About Me: Richard Hoeg

Please allow me to introduce myself, Rich Hoeg. I live in northern Minnesota on the edge of Duluth across the road from a stream that roars down to Lake Superior, Amity Creek. On my wife’s birthday in January 2014, I decided to embark upon a year long photography project which combined my love of photography, the outdoors, and birds. For an entire year, no matter what the conditions or where I was located, I had to photograph at least one bird. My hope was to improve my photography skills while at the same time providing enjoyment for both myself and my readers.

Although my year long bird photography project ended at the end of 2014, my love of birding and photography is unending! Thus, this web site marches on!

  • Contact me via email: RichardHoeg@Gmail.Com
  • Subscribe to my blog posts via email

Quick Notes …

  • I am not a professional birder or photographer … just an enthusiast in both arenas who happens to be a volunteer naturalist at Sax-Zim Bog!
  • My cameras are a Canon SX70 and a Sony A6300. I tend to use the Canon for telephoto bird photography and the Sony for landscape, night photographs, and when my birding expertise allows me to get closer to my intended subject.
  • Using this web site and its services … tags, categories, search engines, children’s books and more. Review this page. I also have a page which lists my birding knowhow, reviews and evaluation posts.
  • Learn what birds are singing right now near my Northwoods home
  • I have published six young children’s book which introduces that special child to the world of nature including birds. PDF copies of my own books may be downloaded w/o charge (i.e. they are free!):
  • I have published one birding guide book on a region in Costa Rica which I also make available for free PDF download  (written and photographed by me):

Birding Talks

  • Rich often gives birding talks in person or via Zoom due to his extensive knowledge of the Boreal Forest in Northeastern Minnesota including Sax-Zim Bog. He always donates his time as a speaker, but expects the sponsoring group to cover all expenses. Presentations often revolve around these two topics:
  • Contact Rich at RichardHoeg@GMail.com

Images (use / purchase / site index)

Where I bird and photograph

Are you visiting my area? My contact information.

  • I am not a professional birding guide, but I know northern Minnesota birding habitat extremely well. Feel free to reach out to me with general to very specific questions.
  • I am a volunteer naturalist at the Sax-Zim Bog Visitor Center, one of the premier winter birding areas in North America.
  • My email address: RichardHoeg {at} GMail.Com

Non Birding Stuff …

  • Professional Background: I am a retired software nerd. You may learn more about that phase of my life via my LinkedIn profile. If you are involved with a non-profit, and if your organization’s goals match my personal interests, I am often willing to help your group w/o charge using my knowledge of software and the web .
  • Photography / Written Work: My articles and photographs focusing upon nature and the outdoors are often featured in the Lake Country Journal and Lake Superior Magazine.
  • Bicycle Touring: My wife and I have toured over 10,000 miles in North America (self-supported).  Our longest trip was a two month, 2500 mile journey through New England and the Canadian Maritimes. My trip journals may be found on the Crazy Guy of a Bike Portal.
  • Nordic Skiing: In the winter you may find me skiing throughout the Northland. I use a camera to record the experience and environment.
  • The Better Half! Molly and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in 2023.  We are blessed with three kids, their spouses, and eight grandchildren. Molly in her retirement writes for Lake Country Journal, Lake Superior Magazine, Adventure Cycling, Minnesota Trails and many other magazines. She maintains her own blog, Superior Footprints.

24 thoughts on “About Me: Richard Hoeg

  1. Hello Richard;
    We have been communicating by messenger which I am just learning and not comfortable with just yet, For further communications would you please use my email, so that I can save important information, my email is:

    Thank you and looking forward to meeting you in person some day. God Bless

  2. Hello Richard,

    We are visiting MN next week. We are traveling from Seattle area. Do you have any birding suggestions near Minneapolis area ? ( woodpeckers and owls are my favourites. I heard a lot about Sax-Zim bog. Is it worth visiting in July? We only have 1 day for birding. So, we want to utilize the limited time to the best. Kindly suggest.


    1. Given you only have one day, I would stay in the Twin Cities area. While birding Sax-Zim Bog in the summer is fantastic, and with hard work one finds rare warblers. Finding owls is tough, particularly when one considers sunrise is at 5:20 am. The owls retreat soon after sunrise. Given your two target species are owls and woodpeckers, I would bird the Fish Lake Nature Trail the very first thing in the morning. The University of Minnesota has an adjacent large plot of land managed for Oak Savannah research which means one finds a huge population of Red Headed Woodpeckers. Fish Lake Nature Trail is located in East Bethel, Minnesota (northern suburb of the Twin Cities). Park in the designated lot and walk across the large field to the lake … then turn left and follow the train next to the lake and across the wetlands area. Do not turn inland from the lake on any side trails. Hiking in the research area is prohibited. You will see signs. Park at the asterix on Durant Street, not the other parking lot as shown on the map. While driving in to the parking lot on Durant Street from 229 Ave NE, drive very slowly. You will see birds. Given I live 175 miles north of the Twin Cities, I do not have other recommendations, but this will be a nice birding hike which will net you a beautiful woodpecker that you would never see in Seattle.

  3. Hello,

    I am interested in doing more bird photography and I wound up buying the Sony A6000 but am feeling like maybe the Canon SX60 might have been better. I noticed that you use both but for different purposes. Were you able to extend the Sony per your video well enough that you DO use it for bird photography? Or do you mostly use the Canon?

    Thank you!

    1. I use both cameras for bird photography, but without the Canon SX60 I would be lost. Many birds spook so easily that without the 65x optical zoom of the Canon I would be up the creek without a paddle. However super zoom cameras with theie very small sensors have severe limitations. One needs to learn how to use the SX60 and where it excels. If I have a bright sunny day and can insure that I keep the SX60’s ISO very, very low I get great results. In addition, the use of a monopod to stabilize the camera is a must when fully zoomed. Thus, this is my “go to” camera when hiking the Boreal Forest or on a bike tours … in other words when I move long distances away from my car. I also set a maximum limit of 400 ISO for my SX60, which can often mean many blurry photos when I am not able to get a fast enough shutter speed.

      I also love my Sony A6000 with its extender. If I know I am likely to be able to get closer to birds, the much higher quality images in any light means I will grab my Sony. Make certain you read this post about how I have extended the telephoto reach of my A600p


      Hope this helps. Make certain you don’t use auto, and learn whatever camera you own.


  4. Dear Mr. Hoag,

    I love your photographs. Can you tell me where the “dock” pictures were taken? I think I will be up your way next June or July, and my family would be beside themselves if we could go somewhere with a chance of seeing the Northern Lights. Can you please let me know? Thanks so much. Gina M. Miller

    1. The Northern Lights “dock” photographs were taken on Northstar Lake, which is about 30 miles north of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Reach out to me via email, and let me know where you might stay. I know many good Aurora viewing spots around northeastern Minnesota. You will find my email address on this “about me” page.

  5. Hello Richard, I just purchased the Canon SX60 and am learning to use it. When you take pictures of birds with the zoom, do you use the auto feature or manual? I have feeders on my deck but seem to have a problem getting the camera to focus on the birds consistently – sort of hit and miss.
    I really enjoy your excellent photos and glad that I found your webpage as it is an inspiration to me.

    1. I never use auto, and depending upon conditions either use aperture or shutter priority. In addition, I have the camera set to use a “focus” point. I often set the ISO manually and limit it to 400, which insures better quality images. Finally, I always use continuous shutter such that I take 4 to 8 images at once.

      Taking photos through a window can be tough because less light gets into the caMera than being outside. Having said that, I definitely take occasional photographs through windows. Use of a monopoly is very, very helpful. As you zoom out without the use of a monopoly, even though you think you are holding the camera steady, you are not. Think stabilization which will allow you to use the slower shutter speeds required on cloudy days, and still get some good results. By slower shutter speeds, I never want to have an Exposure slower than 1/200th of a second.

  6. Rich,

    It was a great pleasure to talk to you today’s morning at Three Pond park in Plymouth…
    I am very impressed with your website and blogs. But, even more, I admire the lifestyle you are maintaining in your ‘early’ retirement.

    I am at crossroads in my fifteen month job search , and looking at you, I am beginning to think that there is more life left after the end of professional career….

    Vitaly & dog Charlie

    1. Vitaly … it was great meeting and talking with you this morning. The next time you work yourself up towards northern Minnesota and Duluth, please contact me. My wife and I would love to have you over for a beer, cold glass of wine, or some pop! Will send you my email address. Was also fun meeting “dog Charlie”!

      1. Your pictures are super fabulous! They are absolutely gorgeous! I will be visiting my daughter in Minnesota roughly Aug. 11 through the 14. Will we be able to see any lights during that time?

        Thanks so much for your help.

        1. Assuming you will be in northern Minnesota, then the answer is maybe. As of today on August 1st it is really too difficult to predict reliable displays of the Northern Lights. When you arrive in Minnesota, use the tools on my web page … particularly the 3 day out forecast, and the next 20 minutes (Ovation Aurora). Good luck.

  7. It has been a long time since we talked. Quite a career change on your part! I have moved to Colorado after Sue passed away several years ago, living about a mile from my daughter Rebecca. I met a native Coloradan a while ago, we built a house overlooking the mountains last year and are getting married in just a little over a month. The kids are all doing well and I have 5 grandchildren so far. I have a quite a bit of information on facebook if you’re interested.

  8. It was a pleasure meeting y’all this morning on the climb out of Flat Creek. My son said he got to meet you, too. I wish I had known you’re birders as we are members of a bird banding and migration study organization. We are entering the peak of migration season in Central Texas and there are lots of cool birds in the region. I hope you get to see many.

    Safe travels!


  9. Rich,
    Excellent work but I would expect that from you! Looks like you are truly enjoying what you are doing!

  10. Dear Mr. Hoeg,
    I am the admin on a blog website for the City of Superior, and am currently working with teachers and administrators of the Superior School District to publish information about our schools, their programs, and of course students. Rick Flaherty, Principal of Superior Middle School, sent me an article about snowy owls that have been frequenting the trees and scoreboards around the school. He would like to use a photo you took of an owl perched on the softball scoreboard outside the Middle School. He mentions you by name in the article and credits you beneath the photo. I am contacting you to ask for permission to use your photo. Once the post goes live, I would be happy to send you a direct link to the page.
    Thank you,
    Doug Dalager

  11. Richard, with your permission, I would like to use some of your American Birkie photos in a post. I write for the Apple Award business blog – Apple Award is one of the Birkie sponsors in Hayward, Wisconsin. I grew up just a few miles from the Birkie Trail and have followed it’s progress for years. You have some great photos of the 2013 race and I’d like to use a few just to plug this year’s race on our website. If it’s okay I will be sure to give you credit. Reply to my email or 941 301-6411. Thanks.

  12. Got the birding info from your annual Hoeg Herald, sent to my sister Gert.
    Great photos, most interesting. If any of your photos were taken in Wisconsin,
    I might suggest you submit them to the “Our Wisconsin” magazine, it is a great
    publication. Strangely, my wife Di and I are volunteers at a Wisc. State Park
    at Whitewater Lake, where we are hosts from May thru Oct., and live there in
    our motor home. Our best to you and Molly for the coming year.

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