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Roseate Spoonbill in Flight at the CREW Trails / Ponds

Learn more about this fantastic location near Naples, Florida from my prior post, but suffice it now to know the magical trails attracted me back quickly because of some Roseate Spoonbills. When some Long-Billed Dowitchers spooked one of the nearby spoonbill also took flight (I was not the cause of the Dowitchers alarm). Anyhow, the birds flew in circles and landed darn close to from where they had taken off.

Roseate Spoonbill

A Glossy Ibis Wanted in on the Action!

And a video of the Spoonbill feeding (video link for email subscribers)

Birding the CREW Trails near Naple, Florida!

Most folks visit Audubon’s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary,  but a much better birding excursion is to walk the trails at CREW Trails (Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed). I find the birding fantastic, and I enjoy the solitude (no crowds). Make certain you visit the second pond, as this is the the pond with all the birds! I often start my hikes at the Orange Trail Head as I love the walk through the forest regrowth. However if you are pressed for time, or only want to visit the water birds, park at the Lake Parking Trail Head. I love both areas. The forest regrowth is in an area of managed burn, and the wildlife including birds is dramatically different than at the ponds. While not a butterfly person, I love seeing these small insects flitter about.

Here are highlights from yesterday’s birding. My biggest excitement was watching a Loggerhead Shrike hunt for almost 30 minutes. Loggerhead shrikes are much more tolerant of humans than our Northern Shrikes back in Minnesota. Shrikes are songbirds which think and act like a raptor … truly a bird with an attitude! (Cornell link)

Loggerhead Shrike Hunting (video link for email subscribers)

Roseate Spoonbill

Herons a Three! (yup … three species in one photo)

Long Billed Dowitchers

Were you able to identify the three heron species?! Here are their names … front of the image to rear … Little Blue Heron, Snowy Egret, Tri-Colored Heron.

Monk Parakeets Building Their Nest in a Palm Tree (video)

I had to escape the craziness of the owl irruption in the Duluth area for southern Florida, and we all know I love owls. Instead I watched two Monk Parakeets this morning involved with nest construction in a Palm Tree down … totally cool … just me and the two birds!

First the Movie! (video link for email subscribers)

And the still images … Monk Parakeets Building a Nest

And the nearby Burrowing Owls which could not hold my interest … LOL!