Molly and I have reached Florida, and I am enjoying time away from all the craziness the Northeast Minnesota owl irruption has caused. Instead of hiking while the temperature hovers around 3F, I am bicycling in 75F heat. It is a pleasing change. As I have noted many times before in this blog I always take my camera with me while cycling. If you only have your camera with you when out on a formal birding outing, invariably you will miss many photogenic birding opportunities. One does not need a HUGE lens. Yesterday I had my Sony A6300 and its 350 mm lens (525 mm full sized sensor equivalent) in my pannier. Obviously a full sized DSLR or Mirrorless with a huge lens would not be practical to take on a bike ride.
I was super excited when I spotted this pair of wood storks in the late afternoon light. While not rare, these birds seen harder to find down here in photogenic spots.
Coming soon … Monk Parakeets building a nest in a palm tree! This nest building was by far more exciting to me this morning than watching local Burrowing Owls which were only 100 yards distant. Remember, I am escaping the owl madness at home!