While down in Florida recently I had a number of opportunities to watch and photograph Loggerhead Shrikes, the southern cousin of Northern Shrikes. In Florida the Loggerhead Shrikes were very accepting of human presence, and I was often able to get within 15 yards of the species. However, Northern Shrikes which breed every summer up in the Canadian Boreal Forest normally spook very, very easily. Getting close to the northern cousin is darned difficult. Both versions are known as “Butcher Birds”. Shrikes, actually a songbird, think like a raptor and catch small mammals, birds and insects. Have some nearby barbed wire? Shrikes will often impale their prey on the barbs for a future meal.
Thus, it was a fantastic morning on Wednesday when I managed to actually get close to a Northern Shrike, and watch it hunt for over 15 minutes. (video link for email subscribers)
- Links to the Cornell School of Ornithology
Northern Shrike (7F in Northern Minnesota) (I have no idea what the shrike is watching in the 2nd image, and it is all puffed up against the cold in the 3rd photo)
The Southern Cousin … a Florida Loggerhead Shrike (70F outside!)