I was interviewed this morning about Snowy Owls in Superior by Wisconsin Public Radio’s Robin Washington. The 15 minute segment will be featured Thursday morning on WPR’s Morning Edition, the Northland Segment. I also briefly spoke about the Great Gray and Boreal Owl Irruption in northern Minnesota. It was a fun conversation and needless to say I get excited about owls.
All posts by richardhoeg@gmail.com
Down on the Farm Birding: Cattle Egrets and Limpkins
I went birding yesterday in farm country west of Fort Myers. I found two farm fields side by side which yielded dramatically different bird species. The difference between the two fields was habitat. The first field was quite wet, bordering on wetlands qualities, which encourage Limpkins to forage in search of Apple Snails. The next field over was much dryer and had both Long Horned Cattle and Cattle Egrets. While the cattle ate the field’s grasses, the Cattle Egrets stayed close to their larger bovine friends. The cattle scared up tasty morsels for the egrets … insects and other food upon taking steps to new locations.
Cattle Egrets and their Partners in Foraging Crime!
Limpkins Looking for Apple Snails
As I got ready to leave the backroads, I drove along a drainage ditch which I assume is full of water most of the year. In this sequence of images in addition to all the Woodstorks, you will be able to spot Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets and Great Blue Herons. This was obviously where breakfast was being served!
Return to Harns Marsh – more lifers!
Apparently it is -22F at home in NE Minnesota (not including windchill). Thus I had better not complain about the cool weather in southern Florida. However given rain and 50F to started the day, I decided I needed to bird near the car. I can handle drizzle, but I do not like getting wet.
My first stop was West Harns Marsh, and in between drizzles I found two more Snail Kites, but waaaay out in the marsh.
A few minutes away is Harns Marsh where my lifer occured …
Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks (Cornell link)