The Birds of Las Catalinas – Guanacaste – Costa Rica

Costa Rica is as an excellent birding destination. This page features a few of the birds seen during multiple trips I have taken to Las Catalinas in April. While visitors in the winter months will undoubtedly see North American migrants, the birds featured here are year round Costa Ricans! The book includes many more bird species than shown on this webpage.

Anyone may download a free full version PDF download copy of my book, The Birds of Las Catalinas (see the section of this web page just below map to find the PDF download link). The print version is sold out.

The book sections are:  (the links point to where I either birded or stayed)

  1. Introduction Maps and Birding Tools
  2. The Birds of Las Catalinas (link to town)
  3. Playa Potrero (link to beach)
  4. El Viejo Wetlands (link to Hacienda El Veijo)
  5. Rainforest Highlands (link to La Carolina Lodge)

This map helps one better understand the birding regions covered, and assumes you flew into Costa Rica via the airport in Liberia. The birds included in the Las Catalinas section are also found in most other areas of Guanacaste (map #2 is only found in the book). If you wish to learn more about Costa Rican bird species, or birds found anywhere in the world, Cornell University’s Ornithology Lab’s has a web service named: Birds of the World. The small monthly or annual fee is very worth the price.

The Birds of Las Catalinas (book version 2)

Download Form for the free PDF version of the book, “The Birds of Las Catalinas”. The form is very short and does not ask for any sensitive information … just your name and city. I am just curious from where my readership heralds.

Should you download the free pdf version of my book: The Birds of Las Catalinas, all images are copyrighted and you do NOT have permission to post the PDF to any other web site. Please link back here instead to 365DaysOfBirds.Com. The book is for your own private enjoyment. I am NOT selling printed copies of the book. Thank you.

Interested in children’s owl picture books? See the bottom of the page for information on how you may download those books … also without charge..

Below this point you will find a few of the birds featured in my book. If you desire more information about any of these bird species, Cornell’s Birds of the World is an excellent resource.

Las Catalinas Birds

Black-Headed Trogon

Great Kiskadee

Orange-Fronted Parakeet

Pale-Billed Woodpecker

Squirrel Cuckoo

Streak-Backed Oriole

Turquoise-Browed Mot Mot

White-Fronted Parrot

Playa Potrero Birds

Great Egret

Royal Tern and White Ibis

Tri-Colored Heron

El Viejo Wetlands Birds

Bare-Throated Tiger Heron

Black-Necked Stilt

Green Kingfisher

Ringed Kingfisher

Rainforest Highlands Birds

Collared Aracari (Toucan)

Crested Caracara (seen in a meadow adjoining the forest)

Green Honeycreeper

Streak-Backed Oriole

Yellow-Throated Euphonia

Yellow-Throated Toucan

Now that you have reached the bottom of the web page, I have one more treat which is free PDF copies of my children’s owl picture bird books. Titles include:

And finally a photograph of me, Rich Hoeg … having just hand captured / rescued a Snowy Owl in the northern Minnesota wilderness.