Category Archives: Background

Descent into Darkness … Dawn! Blepharospasm

This post has nothing to do with birding, yet everything to do with birding. Readers who have known me for a period of time understand I have a rare vision disorder called Blepharospasm. In short my brain and eyelid muscles do not communicate properly. Last August I was forced to face the reality that I was becoming functionally blind. During a bicycle tour of the Norwegian Arctic, because of poor vision I crashed my bike and fractured some ribs. It was obvious to both my wife, Molly, and me that I needed help. I had been figuring out ways to deal with my deteriorating vision. I was out of “work arounds”.

This blog post gives everyone access to what was a very private diary I started during the very dark days of last year. In fact, in December I even Googled the terms Blepharospasm and suicide. While I don’t believe I was serious about taking my own life, I did want to learn how others dealt with the deep depression of vision loss. Thankfully, my condition was eventually correctly diagnosed and I am now receiving treatment which has returned my vision. For the rest of my life I will receive Botox injections on a periodic basis in my eyelid muscles. This effectively blocks the bad nerve miscommunication and allows me to keep my eyes open. I am able to see the wonder of nature! Thus, this blog post is about birding.

After a period of time, I decided to first give my children and their spouses the ability to read my diary. Once I knew I would survive this journey, I decided I wanted to make my diary public in the hope that others who have Blepharospasm will be comforted by my experience and know they are not alone.

Thus … my diary (downloadable PDF) … public for the first time.

Descent into Darkness … Dawn!
One man’s journey through vision loss & recovery

Lake Superior at the mouth of the Lester River … Before Dawn One Winter Morning
(800 yards from my house)

Corona Virus Clips!

Occasionally during this health crisis I will add light hearted posts about dealing with the everyday chores of life. This is one of those posts … the #CoronaVirusClip

I will admit I was not quick on the pick up in terms of buying toilet paper, but I was all over the rush to purchase a home hair cutting kit! On Amazon the kit I ordered is now out of stock till late April. Both my youngest grandchild (Michael … age 2) and I had our first home hair cuts last week.  Neither of us were happy during the experience! Thus, I present you the Corona Virus Clips.

Michael (and his Mom, my daughter) during his haircut … not happy!

The little guy a bit later on … happy!

Giving myself my first ever “selfie cut” a few days ago … not happy!

One year ago while bike touring in Texas … happy!

Keep faith, friends. We have to laugh to prevent crying.  Staying in touch with family and friends is critical during this crisis.  Like the rest of you , visiting my children and grandchildren is not allowed. Molly and I have learned to live by our virtual tools:

  • Virtual Happy Hours via Zoom
  • Family charades / games nights via Skype
  • An ongoing family group text
  • And much more …

Do You Hoot?! (Free Children’s Books Downloads)

Starting today all three of our children’s bird books are available for download without charge!

During the Coronavirus crisis, Susan Larson Kidd (author of my first two books) and I have worked together to make the full electronic versions (PDF’s) of all of our books available without charge. If you like our books, please consider purchasing a printed copy ($12 each). It is our hope these books will provide you and that special child peace and serenity during these troubling times. Peace.

The three books are:

  • But That is Not Me!

    Book Theme (beginning reader’s book): Follow a Hairy Woodpecker around the northern forest as it learns about other birds, but also learns to be true to itself.
  • Hey There Mr. Owl

    Book Theme (beginning reader’s book): Follow owls around the northern forest as they meet birds and animals while discovering their senses of touch, smell, taste, etc.
  • Snowy’s Search for Color

    Book Theme (children’s picture book): Follow the adventures of a young Snowy Owl as it flies south from its home on the Arctic Ocean in search of color! The owl meets up with other owls, red foxes, and even Smokey the Bear! It is a magical journey.

I took this photograph last spring. It is a Great Horned Owl owlette with its Mom, a sibling to the chicks born last week and featured yesterday. These owlettes will be featured in my new upcoming book, Do You Hoot!