Category Archives: Background

Finchless Forecast

Winter 2019-2020 is shaping up to be a season where the Northwoods will not be filled with very many of our favorite birds. Apparently the available food even further north in the Boreal Forests of Canada is excellent … with huge pine cone crops and lots of Mountain Ash berries. Briefly stated, there is very little reason for the winter finches to push down into northern Minnesota in significant numbers. Normally by this point in November, I have started to see Common Redpolls, Pine Grosbeaks, and Bohemian Waxwings. Zippo, and my experience is not unusual. Last weekend while in Grand Marais (100 miles up the North Shore of Lake Superior) I did not see a single bird in the huge number of Mountain Ash trees present in that town. Here is some Cornell eBird data from November 2018, and this year. Although it is only the 17th of November, the sightings are way low.

Common Redpolls (November 2018 … then November 2019 data)

Pine Grosbeaks (November 2018 … then November 2019 data)

Bohemian Waxwings (November 2018 … then November 2019 data)

While my migrant sights are way down, I am still seeing some nice birds, including this Canada Jay and Ruffed Grouse (Sax-Zim Bog two days ago)

Homebound Birding

The skies are grey. There is a sleety snow in the air. The roads are slick. In short, it is a good morning to stay at home and enjoy the fire. Fortunately, yesterday unexpectedly had crystal clear skies from daybreak till church service at 10 am. Having a blue sky meant it was time to focus upon Mountain Ash berries. I spent two hours checking out various clusters of said trees. One of the biggest surprises was stumbling across six bluebirds. The Boreal forest is definitely not bluebird habitat, but NW winds pushed these guys against the big lake, and Mountain Ash berries are providing a good food source.

Knife River Bluebird

And some random comments …

  • Registration response to my first online birding talk has been great. Wednesday evening’s talk is full.
  • The first printing of my new children’s book, Snowy’s Search for Color, is already  over 1/4 sold! Thanks for your support.
  • I assume anyone who reads this blog knows about the new Audubon Report on dramatic decline in bird population induced by habitat and climate change, but just in case … Survival by Degrees: 389 Birds on the Brink

And Finally …eBird Range Maps

I have created a series of annotated screenshots which I am using in some of my seminars to demonstrate the usefulness of eBird Species Range Maps. You do NOT need an eBird account to utilize this great service which will assist a birder in planning outings, and better understanding migrations. For instance, the Snowy Owl migration in our area has now reached a bit north of the Minnesota / Canadian border.

Bookmark this Snowy Owl Species Map as a starting point. Use the annotated screenshots to learn how to set dates and set other options like changing species.

Screen #1 is the very first image you will see upon browsing to the web page linked immediately above this point. The subsequent screenshots and annotation explain how one may use one aspect of eBird, a species map. Depending upon the size of your display (phone, tablet or PC), options may be located at different locations on your screen.

Screen 01

Screen 02

Screen 03

Screen 04

Screen 05

Screen 06

Screen 07

Screen 08

Screen 09

Screen 10

Screen 11

Screen 12

You may have noticed all my screenshots have the label Wisconsin eBird while I live in Minnesota. The explanation is simple. Wisconsin has an active bird population study in which I am participating.

Birding Online Seminars Hosted by Me!

Hi everyone, I have decided to try something new for my birding educational efforts, free online seminars. I will be using a service named Zoom (learn more). For my first seminar, the topic will be finding Snowy Owls in Duluth / Superior this winter. (talk screenshots and maps)

If this experiment is successful, I will host additional seminars, and maybe some general Q & A sessions without a specific topic.

  • Online Seminar: Finding Snowy Owls in Duluth / Superior this Winter
  • Date: Wednesday, November 6th, 2019
  • Time: 7:00 to 7:30 pm
    • First 15 minutes … presentation
    • Second 15 minutes … Q & A

Register via this link (Seminar is full … registration is closed … sorry)

It was almost two years ago today that I rescued Silver. Thus, the topic for this online seminar seems a good choice.