Category Archives: Year 3

Crex Meadows Sunset Sandhill Crane Migration Magic

As a wildlife photographer it pays to be good, but it also helps to be lucky! Yesterday evening I was driving home from the Twin Cities to Duluth. I convinced my wife that taking two hour detour to Crex Meadows to view the Sandhill Crane migration was a worthwhile activity. As I turned the car off Interstate 35 and drove towards Grantsburg, Wisconsin I wondered if I was foolish asking for this detour. Storms and heavy cloud clover were working their way through central Minnesota. However, in the west I saw a potential gap in the sky, and I knew thousands of sandhill cranes would be flying back to the sedge swamp to spent the night after having fed all day on corn in the surrounding farmlands.

Crex Meadows is one of the prime birding locations about which I have information on this blog’s “Minnesota Birding Locations” page (Crex Meadows is actually 10 miles east of the Minnesota border!).

Thus, knowledge if key for any wildlife photographer, but I had NO IDEA the skies would turn on fire. My hoped for gap in the clouds worked their way east, not SW or NE, and gave me phenomenal light. Here are the results …

Sandhill Cranes Flying Back to Crex Meadows at Sunset
(the third image was taken just before the sunset really got going … it shows how quickly light changes!)

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A photo after the Cranes had finished Flying, but the display was ongoing!


Lady Aurora Did Not Dance!

The Aurora Borealis would not come out and dance last night. It was shy and hid behind the clouds! Actually made for a cool picture!

The Northern Lights photo was taken about 8:20 pm, and given the almost full moon combined with the fact it was not yet truly dark (2 hours after sunset of 8:35), my camera settings were quite different … ISO of 800; Aperture of 2.0; and Exposure of 6 seconds.

Oh yes … our yard was also invaded by late season migrating birds!

Boulder Lake north of Duluth


Slate-Colored Junco


White-Throated Sparrow


Lapland Longspur and Spruce Grouse

Although I love bike touring, I did miss the ability to make trips out into the wilderness in search of unique birds and neat photographic conditions. Even though my wife and I only arrived home late yesterday afternoon, I was away from the house one hour before sunrise this morning (6:25 am) such that I could reach the Pagami Creek Wildfire Region which is NW of Isabella, Minnesota early in the morning (i.e. when birds are actively feeding). This area burned back in 2012 and now is a great wilderness area where one enjoys experiencing how natures rejuvenates itself.

I scored two species of birds which are difficult to find, Spruce Grouse (saw four and photographed two unique birds) and Lapland Longspurs. The longspurs are a lifer for me. To reach this forest fire area I had to drive 60 miles north of Duluth, and then follow a 20 mile logging road deep into the wilderness. It was worth the effort. I had been hoping for bright skies which had been forecast, but instead the weather delivered was clouds, temperatures just above freezing and even some light snow on the ground in places!

Here are a few pics from this morning.

Lapland Longspur (immature)

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Spruce Grouse
