Category Archives: Year 3

Rudy Turnstone, SemiPalmated Plover and Other Shorebirds!

The shorebird invasion is in full force in Duluth, Minnesota. The wind has switched and is now blowing from the north. The shorebirds are aware of this fact, and I found hundreds and hundreds along mud flats next to the harbor. Surprisingly, my normal spot for shorebirds at the end of Park Point was almost devoid of shorebirds.

The largest numbers of shorebirds were Lesser Yellowlegs, and Semi-Palmated Sandpipers, but I also found plovers. The hawks and merlins knew the shorebirds were migrating through the area, as any bird which fed on the mud flats without keeping one eye towards the sky did so at its peril.

The largest number of birds by far were feeding in the mud flats at the Erie Pier. Also seen at this location was my Great Egret, a Marsh Hawk, a Trumpeter Swan and many more birds. The abandoned pier near Grassy Point and the C. Reiss Coal Company yielded fewer birds, but this is where I found the plovers and the Ruddy Turnstone.

Ruddy Turnstone & Semi-Palmated Plover
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Lesser Yellowlegs

Ruddy Turnstone Video

Tall Ship Meets Duck!

The age old question for ancient mariners … who has the right of way when meeting? A sailing ship or a duck? A US Coast Guard Cutter was called in to solve this dispute!

Found this migrating duck in an unusual position today!  🙂

We are celebrating the TallShipsDuluth festival. Even though the viking longship Drakken Harald did not make it to Duluth (bummer), we did get the duck! I actually found some fellow photographers reserving spots down on the canal at 5 am when I arrived to take some photos before sunrise.

Duck Meets Tall Ships
Tall-Ships-Parade-4-Duck Tall-Ships-Parade-3-Duck


Earlier in the Morning … American Century departs the Duluth Harbor an hour before sunrise, and then looking out towards dawn (20 minutes prior to sunrise)
Tall-Ships-American-Century-Departing-Aerial-Bridge Tall-Ships-Sunrise

Sunrise Shorebirds! (semi-palmated plover)

No fog this morning! Yea! Instead this morning dawned crystal clear and 54F, which meant it was a great morning to hike in to the Erie Pier on the Duluth Waterfront. Yesterday evening I had hiked in (about one mile) just before sunset and the number of shorebirds were phenomenal … thus the repeat visit at sunrise! The mud flats and ponds did not disappoint!

A bit of bushwhacking was required to reach my desired birding location. I took a photograph of the view at my eye level while I was working my way into position. My height is 6 feet 2 inches, and as you are able to see, the grasses at this point in the summer are even over my head!

An Eye-Level View While Bushwhacking!

Nice Find … A Semi-Palmated Plover!
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Stilt SandpiperY3-M08-Erie-Pier-Sunnrise-3-Stilt-Sandpiper Y3-M08-Erie-Pier-Sunnrise-4-Stilt-Sandpiper Y3-M08-Erie-Pier-Sunnrise-2-Stilt-Sandpiper Y3-M08-Erie-Pier-Sunnrise-1-Stilt-Sandpiper

White Pelicans

Poor Image, but Unusual Find for Northern Minnesota … Great Egret!