20 minutes before sunrise, I found my first Snowy Owl of the winter! A few minutes after sunrise, the local crow population also discovered Snowy. However, the male owl defended himself well, and refused to be forced off his perch. Thus, I had a fantastic time early this morning and spent 1 & 1/2 hours with this cool bird. I hope you enjoy a few of my photos, plus the video. In total I took 416 images this morning. Hopefully this Snowy will establish a winter territory where I found it … which would mean over two months of Snowy Owl watching / enjoyment.
The short video of the crows attacking the Snowy Owl is at the bottom of the post.
Mr. Snowy twenty minutes before sunrise
Getting the evil eye from a Snowy Owl!
Hanging Out After Sunrise … Crows are Gone!
A video of the crows attacking the Snowy Owl