Category Archives: Year 3

Shorebird Roulette! Videos!

Over the past several mornings, I’ve headed down to the Duluth waterfront in search of mud flats. The northeast winds over the past few days means shorebirds which breed up in the Arctic and often winter in the Caribbean or South America are migrating through this area. Quite often my only opportunity to see these rare birds (for me) is in the fall. In the Spring Lake Superior takes a long time to warm up, and it does not as often tend to be a migration stop for northbound shorebirds.

Why Shorebird Roulette? When I only see these birds once every year or two … if even that, making a positive identification can be difficult. Frequently the birds are not in their breeding plumage, and only display their much more drab winter feathers, which often are not as unique from other shorebirds. Thankfully, in addition to my own guides, there are several online virtual communities for this region where various members are very helpful in aiding with my identifications (and helping teach me).

The communities which I find most useful for northeastern Minnesota are:

  • Facebook Groups …
    • Minnesota Birding
    • Northeastern Minnesota Birding Group
    • Sax-Zim Bog
    • Wisconsin Birding

I would like to call out and thank three individuals who have been very helpful … Andy Forbes, Adam Roesch and Peter Nichols.

This morning found me hiking about one mile in to an abandoned pier, wading through waist high wet grasses in hopes of finding some shorebirds in the fog (dismal morning). On hikes like this morning’s, it is useful to utilize a super zoom camera. Long hikes with bigs camera lenses are not nice. Super Zoom / Bridge Cameras like my Canon SX60 allow me to scramble up banks and wade through undergrowth, etc.

Without further adieu … here are the shorebirds I’ve found over the past few days: Buff-Breasted Sandpiper, Short Billed Dowitcher and Stilt Sandpipers (links are to the Cornell Ornithology Lab … the creator of the range maps)

Range Maps …
Range-Buff-Breasted-Sandpiper Range-Stilt-Sandpiper Short-Billed-Dowitcher

Buff Breasted Sandpiper

Stilt Sandpipers
Y3-M08-Erie-Pier-Stilt-Sandpiper-12 Y3-M08-Erie-Pier-Stilt-Sandpiper-02-Trio

Short-Billed Dowitcher
Y3-M08-Short-Billed-Dowitcher-6 Y3-M08-Short-Billed-Dowitcher-4

Hummingbird Close-Ups

A few years back I insisted we add more bee balm to our perennial garden. I had noticed that our ruby-throated hummingbirds found this particular plant sweeter than candy. Thus, this evening for about 1/2 hour before supper I sat in our garden with a glass of white wine and took hummingbird photographs! Summer is sweet … hard to remember the -30F days of January. Do Snowy Owls really exist?!

Female Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds in our Garden! (1/1250th of a second exposure)
Y3-M08-Amity-Hummingbird-CloseUp-2 Y3-M08-Amity-Hummingbird-CloseUp-1

Unknown Birds!

Over the past few weeks, the combination of the HUGE storm (100+ mph winds while losing power for 4+ days), my son’s wedding, and now getting our town home down in the Plymouth area of Minnesota has severely limited time out in the woods. Yesterday I finally got back out in the countryside day with my camera. I started the day at the end of Park Point, drove over to Cloverland, Wisconsin, and ended my birding in my own garden while barbecuing some steaks (and sipping some white wine).

Why “Unknown Birds”? Take a look at my first two images. Hawks are often hard to identify, particularly with lots of immature birds now around. Sandpipers just give me issues. I have problems with the sometimes subtle differences between sandpipers.

Post Update: My thanks to commenter, Adam Roesch, who helped me with the ID. The hawk is an immature red-tailed hawk, and the sandpiper is a buff breasted sandpiper!

Unknown Hawk (actually posted this photograph on an online forum … this bird was identified as an immature northern goshawk, an immature red tailed hawk, and a female northern harrier … take your pick!)

Unknown Sandpiper

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in my Garden (I see you!)

Hummingbird Moth

I also saw my friend the Red-Headed Woodpecker over at Cloverland, and some Sandhill Cranes which were “Dancing at Dawn” (actually … more like walking)!
Y3-M08-Cloverland-Red-Headed-Woodpecker Y3-M08-Cloverland-Dawn-Dance-Sandhill-Cranes

Finally, the promised Milky Way image from my night out photographing the Northern Lights.