Category Archives: Year 6

Nine Below Birding! (-23C)

When the temperature dives to -9F on November 12th (-23C), the obvious solution is to go look for birds down from the Arctic. Knowing that an incredible number of Rough-Legged Hawks fit this bill, I drove over to Sax-Zim Bog. Although these hawks spook very easily, I found two individuals which let me watch them hunt. Rough-Legged Hawks (Cornell link) are one of only two raptors (non Owls) which have feathers all the way down their legs to their talons. This adaptation to the cold helps them deal with severely cold temperatures, like this morning. (The other are Golden Eagles)

It was a challenge getting these photographs. In weather this cold, I like to get out of my car to escape the heat waves billowing forth and making getting a good focus difficult, but there is no way this kind of bird would allow me to exit the vehicle without spooking.

Rough-Legged Hawk hunting at Sax-Zim Bog. In the final image one of the hawks is flying away from me having successfully captured and killed a vole.

Hawk #1

Hawk #2

Finally, two photos of a Red-Bellied Woodpecker which visiting my yard late yesterday afternoon. It was puffed up against the cold. You can see a bit on snow in the air in the first image.

Bald Eagle at Breakfast

One more photograph from my weekend up the shore at Grand Marais. While having breakfast on Saturday morning, I noticed a dark clump … one of my technical terms … out on the harbor breakwater in the pre-dawn darkness. I figured there was a good chance that a Bald Eagle had spent the night on the rocks. I quickly finished my bowl of Life Cereal and walked over to the harbor. Hiding next to the side of a building, I inched closer waiting for some light to illuminate the scene. This was the result!

It just goes to show … some days the photographic opportunities come to me with very little effort, but then there are mornings like today. It was cold (9F) with a 20 mph wind. Given the sun made a rare appearance I worked the back roads / farms of Duluth north of my home. My hope was I might find an early season Snowy Owl migrating south along the shore (nope), or at least some Rough Legged Hawks down from the Arctic perched in the early morning sun (double nope). Oh well … it’s off to Sax-Zim Bog tomorrow morning. The weather forecast includes our first overnight lows below zero (F), sunny and light winds.

Red Crossbills Near Gunflint Lake (video)

I found a flock of Red Crossbills this morning near Gunflint Lake … just a few miles south of the Canadian Border in NE Minnesota. Assuming a good local food source, Crossbills are one of the few bird species which will mate and nest in the dead of winter. Many of the birds in this flock appeared to be paired off, and by my estimation the pine cone crop looked very good in the area. Thus, I would expect many of these birds to nest soon.

Red Crossbills Gritting Up

Male Red Crossbill

Female Red Crossbill

A Happy Couple

Looking across Gunflint Lake towards Canada (about the only ice free lake in the area because it is deep)

Red Crossbills Video Link