Yup … here in northern Minnesota we have definitely entered that period … The Birding Doldrums. Our summer visitors are now all gone, and our winter friends have not arrived. Until nasty weather arrives just north of us in Canada, the birds which consider our region an “Arctic Riviera Vacation” will not push south. I have seen two Snow Buntings, and I have heard of one or two Northern Shrikes being spotted, but …
Even knowing my chances for seeing birds was limited, I spent hours in Sax-Zim Bog over the past two days. The Tamarack Pine needles are at peak which are a golden gift to the eyes. Yesterday morning shortly after sunrise this was my view on McDavitt Road. I could not have been happier … even without a decent bird sighting. I head down to the Twin Cities today for my bi-monthly eye treatment. One year ago today, I did not know if I would be able to experience views like this ever again in my life. Life is good!
Today is World Bird Migratory Bird Day! On the organization web site it states: “Birds Connect our World”.
Migration is a long and dangerous trip for birds. Just the sheer distances flown is physically demanding, and food (suitable habitat) is not always easily available. If that were not enough of a problem, predators lurk in wait. Here in northern Minnesota, Merlins (a kind of forest falcon) follow the migration songbird flocks … picking off breakfast, lunch and dinner on a daily basis. This morning I found two Merlins fighting over some choice property.
In addition to raptors, there are four legged predators which are quite capable of catching unwary birds. Foxes and Coyotes may often focus upon small rodents, but are very happy to ambush larger birds. “Tastes like Chicken!”
Here is Wile E. Coyote (seen while birding this morning)
Finally, sometimes one needs to break the rules of photography. I heard a small flock of geese approaching the pond next to which I was standing. Normally I do not photograph right into the sun, but in a microsecond I came to the conclusion the geese landing on the pond while backlit might be a cool composition.