Category Archives: Year 7

Bluebird Breakfast

Perhaps I should have named this post … Bluebirds for Breakfast! After yesterday’s SD card disaster I walked over again to Lester Park Golf Course at sunrise. This course is just inland from Lake Superior, and given it was closed this year by the City of Duluth due to budget constraints, it has become a great wildlife / birding refuge. I know from others who walk the course in the late evening that Hoot enjoys a periodic hunt at the links!

I easily saw over 200 migrating Bluebirds this morning, mostly in flocks of 3 to 8 birds. This Merlin also saw lots of Bluebirds this morning, and benefited from the experience.

Winds were calm this morning, and the Bluebirds tended to stay much higher in the trees (yesterday’s strong winds forced the birds down towards the ground for easier flying).

Upon getting home from my morning jaunt with the Bluebirds, I found my first Fox Sparrow on the season under my own feeders. This is one of my favorite sparrows, and I am lucky if I see a few each fall migration. It is working its way south from the Canadian tundra.

In addition, the number of Slate-Colored Juncos hanging around my house is amazing. HUGE numbers.

Tugs in the Sun

I had hoped to post some great photographs of Bluebirds today, but alas that is not meant to be. This morning was a delightful day to be out starting at sunrise. A strong WNW wind had pushed a huge number of migration songbirds against Lake Superior. While hiking Lester Park Golf Course (closed) I found the most cooperative flock of Bluebirds. One gorgeous male posed in a spruce tree, and let me slowly close to within ten yards.

Upon getting home, I went to process my images. SD Card error. Oh noooooooo! Try as I might, I could not get the card to read in my computer, or the camera. So much for my bluebird photographs.

I did take this photograph of the Two Harbors tug boats with my Sony. The tug boat on the right is the historic Edna G. built in 1896.