Category Archives: Year 7

And yet more Fall Colors!

Rain drenched birds! Once I got home from my morning trip to Sax-Zim Bag, the drizzle arrived. For the past few days I have tried unsuccessfully to photograph a male purple finch against the Mountain Maples in my yard. Finally, in the rain, I succeeded! (okay … against Aspen leaves, not the brilliant red maples … oh well.)

And of course … the blue parade continues … just a wet parade.

Finally, I forgot to include this Red-Tailed Hawk photo I took up in the Bog this morning. This raptor took over the hunting duties when the owls went to bed!

Fall Colors Continued … Great Gray Owl!

While for many folks, the fog over the past two days in northern Minnesota might be a bummer, it represented a “low light opportunity” for me to go “owling”. The combination of wet, damp nights made me believe my friends might be out hunting long past sunrise.
I planned my arrivals in Sax-Zim Bog to correspond for my best estimate as to when the thick fog would be lifting (around 9 am). I was rewarded with watching Great Grays hunt three different times over the past two days … as late as 11:00 am.
The “colors” in these images are the needles of Tamarack Pines which are one of two common trees in a bog habitat. Unlike most pine and spruce trees, Tamarack Pines lose all their needles each fall. The first two weeks of October generally represents a majestic golden time of year. People tend to focus upon Sugar Maples in the Fall for their brilliant red leaves, but a sunset or sunrise against the golden Tamarack needles is heavenly. One other side benefit is for a person with a beat up body (see bottom of linked post) from a bicycle crash, slow hiking dirt roads while owling is a perfect activity!

Catching a Wave | Lake Superior Surfing (video)

As I stated in my earlier post today about Fall Colors, it’s a nasty day here in the Northland. However, just like I found great photo opportunities, the surfers LOVE today’s strong winds out of the Northeast. Cue the Beach Boys music.

Lake Superior Surfing

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Beach boys … Catch a Wave!

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Lake Superior Surfing (mouth of the Lester River)

One Wave …