Category Archives: Year 9

Now Arriving from Hudson Bay on Track 9!

It’s only 8:40 pm, and the temperature has already fallen to 40F. I suspect it will be in the 20’s by morning. Molly and I are up at our small cabin on Northstar Lake. The weather is telling us it is time to pull the water system out of the lake and get our 3 season cabin ready for winter. While the weather has been mild in the Northland, I was dumbfounded to find myself birding in snow squalls north of Two Harbors this morning, with snow sticking to the ground.

Thus, it is somehow poetic that the Hudson Bay birds are now starting to arrive and pass through the Northland. Yesterday Hawk Ridge saw their first Golden Eagle. Based upon years of tracking and banding it is known that the Golden Eagles that fly through Duluth each fall are from the Hudson Bay region, and they often winter in extreme southeastern Minnesota near the Mississippi River.

Today also saw good flights of American Pipits and Lapland Longspurs. Both of these bird species breed in the northern reaches of Hudson Bay, but now are visiting us on their way south. One of my favorite spots for finding / watching these two species is Lakeview Cemetery in Two Harbors. Both species are not comfortable in Boreal Forest, and the open spaces of the cemetery is one of the first non forested areas they find while migrating south.

American Pipits

Lapland Longspur (it looks grumpy)

Great Horned Owl Talons

About an hour before supper last night while relaxing and resting after doing lots yard work to get ready for winter, I heard a crow! This crow sounded very upset, and given I have learned to speak the black bird’s language, I got my tired old duff off the couch and went hiking into the forest. 2/3’s of a mile down the trail I discovered one of my Great Horned Owls … I believe the mom both due to her larger size and well developed horns … eating crow! Thus … I bring you “talons”!

Great Horned Owl: I’m a sweet, innocent bird!

Great Horned Owl: I do have some cool feet!


That’s all folks!

On another note … Hawk Ridge banded quite a few northern saw-whet owls last night, Sunday the 25th. The weather forecast is for decent winds out of the north for the next few days. With lots of birds moving through northern Minnesota right now, yesterday my own feeders were also very active with migrants. Thus it is time to look for perched saw-whet during the day up north.

Bicycle Birding

Life is good when as you are completing a workout and ready for a physical break … the birds suddenly appear and pose for the guy with a camera. With one mile left while cycling first I found this Great Egret fishing the shadows of Medicine Lake, and then after taking a few pics of the egrets, just a bit further along a bike path I found these Northern Shovelers and Wood Ducks eating algae in a small pond. As I have noted many times, my Canon Sx-70 and monopod goes on all bike rides with me!

Let’s also hear it for weather apps with hour by hour weather predictions that are actually correct. I was out bicycle birding during the only time today with sun. It’s now blustery and raining.

Great Egret

Northern Shovelers

Northern Shovelers & Wood Ducks