Category Archives: Year 9

North Shore Community School Birding

Somehow I don’t believe I have ever blogged about birding the “North Shore Community School“, or “North Shore Elementary” (Google Maps Link). This charter school which is about midways between Duluth and Two Harbors, but inland from the lake, has a mission statement which reads: “NSCS’S mission is to excel in connecting our students’ academics and learning with their natural and social environments in a nurturing community setting.”

Given the schools location with open fields nestled amongst the Boreal Forest, and their focus at having superb wildflower gardens and other natural resources, at any time of the year the school attracts birds. Right now if you walk slowly around the school, viewing all the beautiful wildflower gardens in full bloom, you will find large numbers of birds trying to feed their fledglings. I had a great time yesterday afternoon birding at the school after completing a bike ride  which I had started and finished from their parking lot. If you bird the school, don’t just focus your attention on the gardens. Birds will be using fences, playground equipment, soccer nets, etc as bug ambush sites.

Bluebirds Fledglings … Soon to be Blue!


Female Baltimore Oriole

Eastern Kingbird

Attack Jays on a Summer Afternoon

What? Me Worry? (famous words of Alfred E. Newman … Mad Magazine). Yesterday afternoon with thanks to my local Blue Jays, I easily found one of the two Great Horned Owlets, but although being harrassed, the owl did not seem overly concerned. In fact, after a crow attack dies down an owl almost always seems to move to a new hiding spot (my experience), with Blue Jays the owl could not care less! It slept!

Sleeping Great Horned Owlet!

Blue Jays helping me find the Owl (video link for email subscribers)

A few more images from yesterday afternoon. I very much enjoyed seeing an owl during the main part of the day!

Once evening rolled around I spent time scoping out some new bog habitat near Duluth (not Sax-Zim Bog). Judging  by the number of birds I saw, the area looks very promising! During the Summer months I like to explore new areas for repeat visits during the prime raptor viewing season each Fall.

Red-Tailed Hawk in the Wawina Bog