I’m spoiled, but I only truly appreciated that truth for the first time yesterday morning shortly after sunrise. By living in northern Minnesota my “birding commute” is often as good, or even better, than actual birding outing once I arrive at my intended destination.
Let me explain … in northern Minnesota within minutes of leaving my home by car, I am driving beautiful back roads with little to no traffic. I often get distracted by some sighting and never visit my intended birding destination. Yesterday morning I experience the total opposite. I am visiting my youngest son and his wife in Seattle. Shortly after 6 am I set off by car via I-90 towards a park which I wanted to bird. While traffic could only be described as “light”, it flustered me and I was also not able to look around and enjoy the local sights. Thirty minutes of driving allowed me to reach my destination … a bit stressed and definitely not relaxed. Yup, I love northern Minnesota.
I did have a nice birding experience. While the photographs are not great because I had to point the camera into the sun, I watched a parent Red-Breasted Sapsucker teaching the proper methods for finding food to a juvenile. While we don’t have this kind of woodpecker in Minnesota, it was only a few days ago I watched a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker being taught proper drumming!
One final note … I am looking forward to today’s commute. After a short drive (my son at the wheel), Erik is taking me on a Puffin Cruise in the Puget Sound! This will be my kind of commute!
Red-Headed Sapsucker