Category Archives: Year 9

Ice Road Aurora Borealis

While not the best part of the Northern Lights display from last night, this pic does show the “Ice Road” on which I was parked last night on a frozen lake north of Two Harbors. I turned on my car’s parking lights to illuminate the scene. The temperature was minus 25F at the time!

Ice Road Aurora Borealis in Northern Minnesota

Additional Photos of last night’s Northern Lights Display

Two Hours Later at McQuade Harbor … 20 minutes before sunrise. Some fishermen get ready for the morning fish!

A Barred in the Bog!

I broke most of my birding rules this morning, but still used common sense. Yup, I drove over to Sax-Zim Bog even though the winds were already gusting to 35 mph, and were due to increase upwards of 50 mph in the afternoon. Normally, winds like today make for horrible birding. However, I used some common sense. While most folks visit the Bog to hopefully see our Great Gray Owls, I knew that quest would be hopeless given the wind. Great Grays hunt by hearing voles run beneath the snow. Strong winds make hearing very difficult.

Instead I focused my birding on areas that were somewhat wind protected, and also looked for “sight based hunters”. While Barred Owls definitely use their hearing to hunt, these owls also hunt by sight. I found this individual in a protected area. Both the owl and I could feel the wind, but were somewhat protected. It was a fun morning, and given the temperatures will be dropping and winds will be increasing through the day … getting out seemed like a good idea.

One more fact, when I first saw the Barred Owl it was about 150 yards distant from me. Even though there was a well packed path through the snow, I hiked off trail through snow up to my thighs. This allowed me to obliquely approach the bird, stopping frequently to allow the owl to accept my presence. Ultimately I approached to within 60 yards. Walking directly towards the owl would have definitely spooked the bird.

The images are in the sequence as I approached closer to the owl.

Barred Owl Hunting (video link for email subscribers)