Tag Archives: MN North: Amity

Four Months of FuzzBall and Friends!

I lied! I said no more posts before heading to Lake Vermilion, but it is now four months that I have watched FuzzBall and family. I first found the nest location during a blizzard back in early March. Although I had taken a huge number of hikes in the dark listening to the evening hoot, it was when during a snowstorm I went outside on my deck and realized I could hear the Great Horned Owl parents hooting back and forth during the blizzard. The owls had to be nesting very near my house or I would not have been able to hear them over the howling wind. I took these images the next morning when the storm lessened up considerably.

Last night  I had intended to just rest on the couch and then watch with Molly an episode of Alone. After all, I had been up before dawn … birded the Wisconsin Grasslands … took a 12 mile bike ride and am still even recovering from Lyme disease, but noooooo! While stretched out on the couch I kept hearing a few crows giving grief to my owl friends (remember, I speak crow). I decided the nice evening light demanded that I take an evening hike and attempt to find FuzzBall.

After a one mile walk, I did in fact find one of the two owlets (plus two other trees with new whitewash). Here are last night’s efforts.

The star of the show … the sun would set within five minutes.

Short video of the owlet (video link for email subscribers)

The Return of FuzzBall!

Well sort of! FuzzBall now requires me to hike approximately a mile in the Lester / Amity Forest and Search for the owlet. Yesterday evening I found both owlets hanging out in a tall white pine tree. As always I took a few photographs.

My daughter when she tries to get good pictures of her four children makes the promise that if the kids are good, they are allowed to make a “goofy face” for the final photo. FuzzBall the Great Horned Owlet and I used the same approach.

The serious young owlet image

The goof ball pic

In addition, I finally had time to process two videos of the owlets which I took a little over one week ago on the day the owlets had their big reunion … FuzzBall and Junior Together Again (video links for email subscribers: one | two)