Tag Archives: MN North: Amity

Bookending the Northern Night: Owls at Sunset & Sunrise

Yesterday evening I put on full mosquito gear and hiked back into the Bog. I was rewarded when a Great Gray Owl flew over near me and landed only 20 yards away. It totally ignored my presence while hunting. Listen to the soundtrack to get an idea of the mosquitoes … it was horrible (video link for email subscribers).

This morning I was hiking by 5:30 am and quickly discovered Junior had fledged overnight! Both Great Horned Owlets are now flying. I found the entire family this morning, Mom, Dad and both owlets. For the first time since FuzzBall fell from the nest four weeks ago, the owlets were reunited! Here is na image I took of Momma Great Horned Owl on guard at sunrise this morning … crows were present. Now that the Great Horned Owl family has left their nest, I can reveal for three months they were living only 25 yards from the end of my driveway!!!

FuzzBall has Fledged!

Not only is FuzzBall alive (see yesterday’s post), but the little owlet is now fledged! At 6:15 am this morning I found the Great Horned Owlet across theĀ  creek way up high in an extremely tall white pine tree. The only way to reach the perch FuzzBall is using today is via “flight mode”. The day an owlet fledges is a HUGE accomplishment, and soon it must start learning how to hunt.

The two images given below were taken about 2 minutes apart. A distances of about 125 yards separates the two owlets today. Momma Owl tends to find perches where she may watch both of her youngsters. Poppa Owl normally dekes the crows away from the area. In addition to crows, FuzzBall learned this morning what it was like to have a Merlin take two dive bombing runs at it.

FuzzBall Fledged in White Pine Tree

Meanwhile junior is still only branching back in the nest tree. I estimate junior is about 5 to 7 days younger than FuzzBall.

Junior Branching in Nest Tree

FuzzBall is Alive!!!

FuzzBall is Alive!!!!!!!
After getting home late last night from the Canadian Rockies, I knew I had to find the owls for my grandchildren who are visiting this weekend. Thus by 5:15 am this morning (4:15 Mountain Daylight) I was hiking …
1. Owlet (Junior) branching up high in white pine by nest
2. Momma across creek up high in white pine watching Junior
3. Wait! Second Owlet down low in white pine next to creek!
Yes … Two Owlets!!! FuzzBall is alive.
Apparently two weeks ago when I found FuzzBall at 5 am on the ground, and then returned 15 minutes later to discover an explosion of white feathers, I incorrectly assumed FuzzBall met its demise to a local fox. What must have happened is Momma Owl delivered breakfast in that 15 minutes, and then FuzzBall must have jumped over the side of the ravine. Look out below! FuzzBall must have been hiding down next to the creek for the past two weeks. Now, the youngster is finally “branching” and I rediscovered the owlet. Life is good! (in many ways). FuzzBall is still way below the original nest, but the owlet is now up in a white pine about 20 feet off the ground. Yippee!
Here is a photo of Fuzzball, and an image of Momma Owl with Junior (photos taken seconds apart).