Tag Archives: MN North: Amity

Trumpeter Swans Arriving

Before I move on to today’s post, I will take an action that I rarely do upon this blog … talk about myself. After all this web site is about the birds (and northern lights), not me. Actually, keeping true to form I will NOT talk about myself, but let someone else hold forth about “my personal story”. I was recently interviewed for Destination Duluth … a civic organization dedicated to promoting our region. Thus, I bring you “The Owl Guy!” (me).

There is almost zero open water anywhere in the Northland, with the exception of Lake Superior and the large rivers with strong current, but area lakes, small rivers and streams are very much still ice bound. However, where there is a strong current and a bit open water occurs, you will now find Trumpeter Swans. These birds are some of the first to return to area lakes in search of top breeding areas. This pair was just one group of six swans I found in the creek along Stone Lake Road in Sax-Zim Bog.

Meanwhile back at home my local pileated woodpeckers have let everyone know my yard is their yard / territory. These images were taken the day before the swans after a four inch snow.

Winter Still Here … Spring does not Exist!

Ahem … I can not even claim that Spring is on hold. It has never arrived here in northern Minnesota. It was -4F at sunrise this morning in Sax-Zim Bog. Most of our winter birds from up north have pushed out of our region. Given the 2+ feet of snow remaining on the ground, and the fact that lakes will not ice out for a loooong time … there is almost zero migration action. These Goldeneye females availed themselves of the only open water, the Cloquet River a bit south of Sax-Zim Bog. There was one male Goldeneye about 50 yards distant. Perhaps these females were courting him??

On the local owl front, my Great Horned Owls are doing fine. Mom continues to incubate and Dad protects against all the migrating crows. These photos are from yesterday.