Tag Archives: MN North: Amity

Returning Birds! Frozen in Flight and Northern Hawk Owls!

In August I wrote about a new tool I was using to help process photographs, Topaz Labs’ Sharpen AI (see post). While one may never revisit all of one’s photographs (too time consuming), it is fun to rework certain images. Thus a blast from the past … selected photos from Year #2 of my blog (this is year #9). I would hope that in addition to upgraded camera equipment and editing tools, I have just plain become a better birder and photographer. While I can never retake the same image, Topaz AI does yield some amazing results on old friends.

Northern Hawk Owl (my signature bird)

Nordic Skiing

Red Fox

Frozen in Flight (Goldeneyes)

Ice Planet Moonrise (Lake Superior’s North Shore)

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird in our Garden (Bee Balm)

Wisconsin Ice Caves

House Wren


  • I took the Northern Hawk Owl photographs after three straight days of stormy weather off Lake Superior. When the day finally dawned sunny, clear and cold, I spent hours trying to find a Northern Hawk Owl I had been tracking all winter. Success was finally achieved!
  • For the Frozen in Flight Goldeneye photographs I was standing at the end of Duluth’s old Interstate Bridge. I saw the ducks swimming towards the dead end of an ice lead. I knew the birds had to either dive or take-off. I was poised and ready!
  • For the hummingbird photograph, notice the bird’s shadow. The last light of the day (or first light) is golden for many reasons. The shadow’s angle shows the sun would set within minutes.
  • And yes … while I love being out in the woods throughout the year, winter is my favorite time of year in terms of photography.

Northern Visitors Passing Through

Most birds migrate south in flocks, but the Solitary Sandpiper (Cornell link) which nests in northern Canada fits its name very well. I have never seen one of the birds with another of its species. This morning was no exception. One Solitary Sandpiper was feeding at the tiny mud flats Forest Hill Cemetery creek’s inflow. What is amazing is … given this little mud flat is extremely small, it is dumbfounding how every fall this tiny spot is a migration magnet. I always see a wealth of different bird species at this location.

In addition, my local Red-Bellied Woodpeckers must have raised a second batch of youngsters this summer. Dad was busy showing junior the ropes yesterday afternoon.

Owl Coasters (zero markup … my gift to you)

For several years I have designed and given coasters to friends, but as the late night commercial always said … Act Now! … Not Sold in any Store! Anyhow, I have been waiting for a long time for the right opportunity and pricing to offer these coasters to my loyal blog readers. ShutterFly, which is the company through which I design coasters finally has the right deal … 40% off and free shipping to any address in the continental United States. You will order / work directly with Shutterfly. I do not enter into the equation other than to make the coasters available.

Let me stress, I am taking ZERO markup or money for myself.  The coaster dimensions are 4×4 inches, and do NOT even have my watermark on the images. Why a gift from me? Within the next week or so, my blog will hit 500,000 pageviews since its inception … one half million views. Wow! Thank you.

Shown below are the various coaster options. Each set has four individual coasters and unique images. There are three different sets of coasters. Each set of four coasters sells for $14.99 from Shutterfly (plus tax). Order as many sets as desired. You work directly with Shutterfly, NOT through me!

Screenshots of the Coasters (actual size is 4×4 inches per coaster)

Great Horned Owls: Hoot and Family

Snowy Owls of Northeastern Minnesota

Lake Superior Lighthouses

How well do you know your Lake Superior Lighthouses?! From top left in clockwise order: 1. Superior Wisconsin Entry, 2. Grand Marais Breakwater, 3. Duluth Entry North Pier, 4. Crisp Point (near Whitefish Bay)

Once again, your price will be $14.99 per set plus your local tax … free shipping in the continental United States (lower 48).

Okay, how do you get this great deal? Click the link given below. I am curious who is actually taking me up on this offer. You will be directed to a web form where I will ask for your name, city and state. I will NOT ask for your email address, phone number of street address. I respect your privacy.

You MUST take action and order by Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. This is Shutterfly’s requirement to get free shipping, not mine!!!

  • Order Coasters! (will first be asked for name, city and state)

Shutterfly has ended their offer as noted. Thus, I have removed the link.