Tag Archives: MN North: Amity

Bookending Duluth: Owls and Pelicans

I bookended Duluth today … watching my Great Horned Owl family near my house at sunrise, and then I drove clear across town to Chambers Grove at Fond du Lac. The birds performed!

As a fyi, posts may be more infrequent in the near future due to computer problems. The good news is all my software and data is 100% backup up. I religiously run a backup every night at 3:00 am.

Great Horned Owl Family at 6:20 am. Dad is guarding the family from those pesky crows.

White Pelicans at Chambers Grove

Awful Owling!

Actually the owling is great, but I am getting way to used to photographing in dark clouds, dizzle and 30 mph winds. It truly provides a challenge, and I arrive home from my hikes to see the Great Horned Owl family rather cold! Sometime next week this horrible weather is supposed to break, but in the meantime Lake Superior is delivering strong NE winds daily, with accompanying rain. Glad I’m not an owl! Mom Owl is doing a great job as her perch provides a windblock for the owlets to the huge winds blowing in off Lake Superior.

And two very short videos (video links for email subscribers: One | Two)