Tag Archives: MN North: Amity

Unexpected Owl Sightings

Followed the crows this morning and got a surprise. I was expecting to find my local great Horned Owls which tend to like this particular pine thicket. In fact last night around 9 pm, I listened to the GHO’s mutual love serenade at the almost identical spot. Thus, seeing this Barred Owl at 7:30 am was NOT expected. My local owls which nest nearby are more than capable of killing the Barred.

Trying to Get Some Sleep … At 14 seconds the crows get the owl’s attention (video link for email subscribers)

The Amity Owls!

There is a lot of news about my local Amity Owls!

  1. The parent Great Horned Owls will begin nesting within a few days. “Les” (as in Lester River) and “Amy” (as in Amity Creek) were hooting up a storm when I went hiking last night at 9pm. I enjoyed standing under one of their favorite trees in the park and enjoying their evening serenade.
  2. My children’s picture book: Do You Hoot?, has been nominated for the Northeastern Minnesota Book Award. In the past the awards were sponsored by the University of Minnesota, but this year introduces the Lake Superior Writers non profit as the award’s new sponsor. My book documents the story of three owlet’s growing up in our local forest two years ago. Remember, anyone may download a free full version PDF copy of the book.
  3. Drink some JAVA … enjoy the owls! Yup, you may now read Do You Hoot? at Duluth Lakeside’s Amity Coffee. The coffee shop is right next to the US Post Office on Superior Street.
  4. In addition to drinking some JAVA, consider walking over to Lakeside’s Duluth Studio Market where you will also find my books. This cool little store support local artisans (and authors), and you will find nice craftwork and art on display.

It is my pleasure to support these super small businesses which are part of my neighborhood.

This is now the fourth year I have followed Les and Amy, the parent Great Horned Owls, as they raise a family. Over the past three years, this duo has successfully raised 8 owlets! Browse on over to the Do You Hoot? web page to read blog posts and watch videos about the owlets. You will also find a download link to get your free full version PDF copy.

This framed image is now on display at Amity Coffee!

Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd

I have a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers that visit my yard multiple times per day. Shortly before each visit, from hundreds of yards away, my woodpecker friends announce their impending arrival. If you ever hear a Pileated, you will know what I mean. Their call is distinctive, and loud. Yesterday I was actually quite surprised as when my local lovebirds flew over, there was already another male Pileated working over a dead birch (unless they threaten your home, please do not take down dead trees). I had never seen three of these woodpeckers at the same time. It was obvious my locals knew about the third bird. The males perched in the dead birch within ten feet of one another, and I awaited an attack. Nothing happened.

I was wrong. Although Pileated Woodpeckers are very territorial, apparently in the winter the presence of a third bird in the territory will be tolerated (Source: Cornell School of Ornithology). One may tell the females and males apart by the scarlet moustache (male), and lack thereof on the female. In addition, the female’s scarlet crest only covers half the head.

Female Pileated Woodpecker

Male Pileated Woodpecker

In closing I will note it was nice to “sleep in” this morning. The last two days I have been out hiking in the forest by 5:45 am (sunrise is at 7:15 am). I am working upon locating this year’s Great Horned Owl’s nest. The female should lay her first egg within the next week, and the happy couple hopefully will reveal their location to me over the next 2 to 3 weeks.