Tag Archives: MN North: Amity

Summer’s Predators

It was 38F just after sunup this morning at Sax-Zim Bog. Nature was decked out in green with scattered wildflowers. I wore shorts and a lightweight short-sleeved cotton sweater! This Great Gray Owl wore its finest down.

If you are a vole, you are in BIG trouble.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch the young Merlins scream for food. This particular Merlin was in a dead tree right off my driveway. At least one time per day the Merlin family works their way towards my yard (they nested about 800 yards distant). I am certain my feeders and the resulting songbirds attract the Merlins. I actually heard this juvenile screaming while I was inside my home.


Dads Ignoring Kids! Real Life Birding!

How many of you Dads sometimes have this feeling. If I ignore my kid begging for food , perhaps it will go away and be Mom’s problem?! Here is a male purple finch and juvenile this afternoon I photographed this afternoon.

On another note, my owls continue to be very involved with my heart surgery therapy. Although I had not seen my Great Horned Owls in almost two weeks, shortly before 6 am I heard a crow attack in progress. Anyhow, I took a one mile hike in the fog and found one of the juveniles. No pics … foggy and dark. See my prior post … Owl Cardiac Therapy. My medical team 100% supports my hiking right now, but I am not allowed to use the car to go anywhere.