Tag Archives: MN North: Amity

Unbearably Good Birding: Black-Breasted Yogi

Birdcast says the bird migration is now great in northern Minnesota (see my post about how to use Birdcast), and it is! While eating lunch today, I thought … boy, that is a noisy squirrel! I checked the feeders and voila! It was the rare Black-Breasted Yogi. After a great lunch at “Chez Hoeg’s Bar and Grill” which has had fine dining for bears since 2011, I managed to get this photo of Yogi relaxing near my house after its meal.

In addition to Yogi, birding has been very good today. Some of the birds I’ve seen and photographed since sunrise when I started the day down at the Park Point Recreation Area.

Common Tern (just migrated in from points way down south Mexico or South America way)

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

Pied-Billed Grebe

Blue-Winged Teal

Ozark Mountains Bound

I am writing this blog post from Osceola, Iowa … on the way to a small one bedroom cabin the Ozarks. Now that Molly and I are both vaccinated we decided a road trip was in order.  While our cabin is not on water, it is close to the Buffalo National River. This river was America’s very first to receive the scenic designation back in 1972.

I know zero about birding in the Ozarks, but the warm temperatures and greenery will be welcome after the long Minnesota winter. If you have ever birded this area, please post your recommendations in the comments.

My owl family will have to survive without my presence. The last two mornings I have seen all five birds … Mom, Dad and the three kids. Here are a few images I took yesterday morning.

Great Horned Owl Family Reunited!

The youngest owlet fledged last night, and joined its family in the new hunting grounds. It took me a few days to find their new territory. Even when I was convinced I was in the right spot due to whitewash, evidence of prey and other signs, it was 24 hours before I actually found their hiding spots. Yesterday morning I had a grand time with the two oldest owlets and Mom. eMail subscribers should follow this link if you want to see the three short videos.

I like the fact that all three owlets telegraph their short flights right now. For over a minute they will stare, head bob and weave as they look directly at the branch to which they wish to fly. Finally … Eureka … a ten yard hop / flight. I think the oldest deserves at least an eight for this landing. Do you agree?

Great Horned Owl Family Time

The Youngest Owlet’s last night on its own …
