Tag Archives: MN North: Amity

Branching Now! 2 of 3 Owlets

Only one Great Horned Owlet remains in the nest. Yesterday and this morning the “middle kid” started “branching”. With owls branching is the period when an owlet can not yet fly, but is able to use its talons and walk on nearby branches … thus “branching”. Given how difficult it was to get a vantage point into the nest, I am enjoying this phase of their lives.

The Triplets! (yes … all three owlets are in this image)

Fluffball Down!



GHO Triplets!

Yes … last night at sunset I learned there are actually three owlets, Great Horned Owl triplets! It was lousy light, and to see all three you’ll have to watch the movie (link for email subscribers) to see all the youngsters.

This afternoon for the first time in nine days the sun made an appearance … no rain, no snow, no high winds. Thus, I visited the nest. The youngests owlet is now branching (moving about on branches near the nest), while the younger two are still nestbound. Enjoy. (I did!)