Tag Archives: Bike Tours

Missouri Meadowlark!

My wife and I are 1,200+ miles into a self-supported bicycle tour. One highlight yesterday was seeing and photographing my first ever Eastern Meadowlark. These beautiful birds do not live in the cold climate of northern Minnesota (our home). As we continued to bicycle our way north through southern Missouri we actually saw hundreds of meadowlarks! Perhaps we had caught up with their spring migration? Many of the trees along the roadside are now just beginning to bud out … this the name for this tour, the Spring North Tour.

Read my full bike trip diary (many more photographs)

A male Eastern Meadowlark


Taking in a typical roadside view


Biking & Birding the Ozark Mountains

The Ozark Mountains are gorgeous in their spring time splendor. My wife and I are over 1,100+ miles into a self supported bicycle tour. The scenery along the roadsides has been fantastic, and the birds sing to us every morning as we head out on tour around 7 am. I hope you enjoy a few photos of both my birding, and my bicycling.

Read my full trip diary, with many more photographs.

Birding the Ozarks



Scissor-Tail Flycatchers (the duo I was photographing in the previous image)


Male and Female Bluebirds





Bicycling the Pig Trail Scenic Byway in the Ozark National Forest


Sunset as seen from our campsite one night in the Ozarks


Our Route Through Day #27
